Signs Your Teen May Need A Child Psychologist

If you are the parent of a teenager, you know that dealing with them can sometimes be volatile and difficult. However, there are times when teens are not just exhibiting typical teenage behavior and are actually in need of mental health care and help. Get to know some of the signs that your teen may need the help of a child psychologist. Then, you can be sure to get them an appointment with one right away if they start showing any of these signs. 

They Start to Struggle in School

If your teenager has always been a good student but they suddenly start to really struggle to keep their grades up in school, this may be a sign that something is going on with their mental health and well-being. Oftentimes, if a teenager becomes depressed, gets involved with drugs or alcohol, or has other issues, their grades are the first things to go to the wayside. 

Contact a child psychologist if your teen's grades drop suddenly or even gradually throughout high school. It is likely not that they are academically incapable of keeping up but another issue entirely, especially if they had good grades throughout their younger years. 

They Experienced a Loss

Another instance in which your teen should see a child psychologist is if they experienced a loss in their life. If a friend, family member, or even a teacher has passed and your child seems to be affected by it, seeing a child psychologist or therapist would be extremely beneficial to them. 

Grief can sometimes spiral out of control, especially in young people who are not used to experiencing loss. Depression, anxiety, and even PTSD can occur as a result. Having your teen see a child psychologist after a loss can help to prevent and/or treat these issues stemming from grief. 

They Start Talking about Death a Lot

If your teen seems to have become preoccupied with death, the afterlife, or anything related to these subjects, you have cause for great concern. A preoccupation with death is often a sign of suicidal thoughts or tendencies that should be addressed immediately. 

You do not want to accuse your child of being suicidal, though as this will just create conflict. Instead, setting up an appointment with a child psychologist is a good way to go. Your child's psychologist will talk to them and may be able to discern what is going on with your child. If they believe your child is in immediate danger of hurting themselves, they will recommend inpatient treatment, but otherwise, they can continue to work with your child and help them get over this preoccupation with death.  

Now that you know some of the signs your teen may need a child psychologist, you can be sure to contact one right away if you notice these issues with your teenager. 

About Me

parental counseling to create a positive relationship

Growing up, I thought that our family was typical, but as I grew to be an adult and had a family of my own, I questioned a few of the things that my family had done growing up. As I struggled with my toddlers, I questioned my mother's version of correction. How do you get through to a toddler that what he or she is doing just isn't appropriate behavior? Where do you draw the line? Parental counseling helped me find my own style of parenting and taught me a lot of effective methods for correcting young children and creating a relationship that I am proud of.
