The Benefits Of A DWI Assesment

If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated, this is undoubtedly a very serious charge. When you go to court, the judge will look at your track record and the circumstances surrounding your arrest. Getting a DWI assessment can help to convince the judge that you may not warrant heavy sentencing. This is especially true if this is a first-time offense. Here's a look at what DWI assessment entails.

Who Conducts the Assessment?

The DWI assessment is conducted by a psychologist who is trained and licensed to do psychological evaluations. They will write a report about what they find during your assessment. The level of assessment that is conducted is done on a subjective basis. This means that your individual circumstances will be taken into consideration as well as the charges laid against you. If you have no prior criminal record, this can work to your advantage.

How Is the Assessment Conducted?

A DWI assessment is usually conducted by doing interviews with people such as your family, and friends. The assessment is also done by reviewing documents from medical personnel and the police. An interview will also be done with you and a review of your test results from the DWI will also be looked at. The psychologist will then write a very in-depth report and give recommendations.

An assessment like this can be very beneficial for keeping you out of jail because a licensed psychologist is considered to be a reliable person to give recommendations about your case. 

What Type of Recommendations are Usually Given?

The type of recommendations given will vary based on the individual case. An assessment will often recommend inpatient rehabilitation for up to three months if necessary. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every day may also be a recommendation. The assessment recommendations will usually take into consideration public safety as well as your personal needs.

Bear in mind that the assessment is not free and you will need to pay for it. The cost of the assessment can vary significantly. This is because it highly depends on the number of interviews that will need to be done and the documents that the psychologist needs to review.

As you can see there are many benefits from getting a DWI assessment if you are charged with this crime. Make sure that you take the time to select a licensed and qualified psychologist so that your assessment will have a lot of weight in court.

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parental counseling to create a positive relationship

Growing up, I thought that our family was typical, but as I grew to be an adult and had a family of my own, I questioned a few of the things that my family had done growing up. As I struggled with my toddlers, I questioned my mother's version of correction. How do you get through to a toddler that what he or she is doing just isn't appropriate behavior? Where do you draw the line? Parental counseling helped me find my own style of parenting and taught me a lot of effective methods for correcting young children and creating a relationship that I am proud of.
