Substance Abuse Recovery: How To Choose A Support System

When you have a substance abuse addiction, you may feel completely alone. Going through the healing process can be difficult on your own, so it is important that you surround yourself with supportive people. Therapy is crucial to healing, but a good support system is also an important part of getting better. You and your therapist will talk about which individuals in your life would make for a good support system. Here are some things you should know as you evaluate who should be within your circle of support:

Positive Individuals.

A good support system should include people who are close to you and who can also be a positive influence. Do not include anyone who is not encouraging, but who will give you positive reinforcement.

Individuals Who Can be There for You

No matter if your support system includes friends, family members, or other trusted individuals, they need to be there for you whenever you need it. You could experience a setback at any time during your journey, so there need to be people you can call at any time for guidance and support. It is ideal if you have several people who can make themselves available to you when you need them for support.

People Who Are Willing to Listen

Throughout your journey to healing, you may find that you just need someone to listen to you. You will have talk therapy sessions with your counselor, but you should also have others who are willing to sit with you and listen when you are having struggles. These people are not necessarily there to give you guidance or advice but to simply be there for you. Maybe you need to talk about how you are feeling, or you simply need to express some frustrations to someone. A great support system will be there to allow you to release any negative or positive feelings you have.

Going through recovery from a substance abuse addiction means you will need support from those who care about your health and well-being. This support system needs to be people you trust, who will encourage you in your healing journey, and not coerce you to go back to your old ways. If anyone begins to act negatively or is dismissive of your struggles, you should reevaluate those in your support system. Do not be afraid to make changes to those in your support system if you need to. Always talk with your therapist about your support system and how they are helping you. 

For more information, contact a local counselor

About Me

parental counseling to create a positive relationship

Growing up, I thought that our family was typical, but as I grew to be an adult and had a family of my own, I questioned a few of the things that my family had done growing up. As I struggled with my toddlers, I questioned my mother's version of correction. How do you get through to a toddler that what he or she is doing just isn't appropriate behavior? Where do you draw the line? Parental counseling helped me find my own style of parenting and taught me a lot of effective methods for correcting young children and creating a relationship that I am proud of.
